The development of Vision 2050 in Lithuania
Stakeholder participation has been one of the key success factors in the development of Vision 2050 in Lithuania, which was approved by the Lithuanian Parliament in December 2023. As the vision states: “Trust-based dialogue between the public and authorities – between creative and engaged citizens and policymakers who are open and attentive to change – will be a driving force for the future of the Lithuanian state.”
In line with the European Green Deal agenda, the Lithuania 2050 vision builds on two foundational principles: ‘care for the natural world’ and ‘the development and application of technology and innovation’. This has led to the identification of five strategic ambitions for Lithuania’s development up until 2050:
Citizen-led democracy: credible, open, and uniting for action
A future-ready, resilient, and liberated individual, thriving in a caring community
Lithuanian business, science, and arts sustainably generate high value for Lithuania and the world
A resilient state, a constructive and influential player in global politics
A connected country with sustainable and well-balanced development
Lithuania’s vision for 2050 was developed through an inclusive process over a period of three years (2020- 2023) and involved the use of foresight methods and co-creation principles. Groups that were involved in the 2050 strategy development include representatives from academia, business and industry leaders, cultural and creative organisations, social, health and education sector experts, human rights organisations, school children and student organisations, public authorities from local, regional and national levels and the State Progress Council. The aim was to have the broadest possible geographical, institutional, and socio-economic representation, with approximately 2 500 people from different backgrounds contributing to the charting of Lithuania’s vision for the future.
Stakeholders were involved via direct discussions, scenario-planning workshops, and discussions with experts from different fields. ‘What if’ and ‘black swan’ scenarios were explored, testing the developed scenarios against hypothetical, unexpected, but high-impact events. The developed scenarios were tested through design exhibitions that involved the general public, making it possible for a wide range of people to contribute to the creation of a common vision.
The ‘Lithuania 2050’ vision was approved by the Lithuanian Parliament in December 2023 and is implemented through a National Progress Plan, which encompasses a strategic framework consisting of goals and targets, as well as a financial plan that will guide the country’s progress over the next decade.
As the successful implementation of Lithuania’s vision for the future relies on fostering dialogue and unity between society and public bodies, special attention is paid to the involvement of the public throughout the implementation process. The implementation of the vision is overseen by the State Progress Council. This Council initiates public debates, analyses the progress of the state, regularly submits opinions, proposals, and recommendations to the Seimas (Parliament) and the Government, and maintains a continuous open dialogue with the public.