Your course convenors

The wellbeing economy policy design course has been developed by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, in collaboration with the Doughnut Economics Action Lab and ZOE Institute for Future Fit Economies. We are grateful for the funding received from Partners For a New Economy (P4NE) to develop this course.

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), founded in 2018, is a global collaboration of organisations, movements, and individuals working together to transform the economic system to prioritise social and ecological wellbeing over mere financial growth. WEAll consists of a global team, regional or national hubs, as well as an international membership of over 500 organisations and thousands of individuals, enabling both global coordination and locally tailored initiatives. The development of this course was led by the WEAll global team, with valuable input from the WEAll hubs as well as the wider WEAll membership, including the Wellbeing Economy Policymakers Network that is jointly hosted by WEAll and ZOE Institute.

The Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) originated in 2019 to promote the ideas and principles of Doughnut Economics. Doughnut Economics is a model created by economist Kate Raworth that envisions an economy that balances essential human needs with ecological sustainability. The goal is to ensure that everyone has access to life’s essentials (the inner ring of the doughnut) without exceeding the planet’s ecological boundaries (the outer ring of the doughnut). DEAL supports communities, cities, businesses, and policymakers in applying Doughnut Economics principles in practical ways. It helps drive transformative economic change by providing tools, guidance, and a collaborative platform for people and organisations to implement this model globally.

The ZOE Institute for Future-Fit Economies is a think tank and research institute focused on transforming economic systems towards sustainability, social justice, and wellbeing. It provides policy advice, conducts research, and collaborates with civil society and policymakers to advance the vision of an economy that prioritises ecological sustainability and human flourishing. Founded in 2017 and based in Germany, ZOE Institute plays an important role in shaping policy discussions at the European level.

Partners for a New Economy (P4NE) is a philanthropic funding collaborative that supports the transition to more sustainable, equitable, and regenerative economic systems. Established in 2015, P4NE funds initiatives aimed at reshaping the global economy, moving beyond traditional economic models towards approaches that prioritise wellbeing, ecological sustainability, and social equity. P4NE supports a wide range of projects, organisations, and movements that seek to challenge and transform current economic paradigms. This includes funding work on alternative economic thinking, advocacy for policy change, practical innovations, and creating awareness about the need for economic systems that are more inclusive and environmentally sound.

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