Wellbeing elsewhere in the Dutch Monitor of Well-being

Dutch Wellbeing Monitor

In the Dutch Wellbeing Monitor, ‘well-being elsewhere’ refers to the effects of choices that Dutch people make on jobs, income, resources (renewable and non-renewable) and the environment in other countries. The monitor pays particular attention to the impacts of Dutch people’s choices on the world’s poorest countries. 

The two main themes under the ‘well-being elsewhere’ lens are: Trade and Aid and Environment and Resources. These two dimensions largely tell two different stories. In the ‘Trade and Aid’ dimension, more trade and import of goods is assumed to be favourable for the wellbeing of trade partners (without knowing who benefits from these trade profits). The Environment and Resources dimension tells a different story about the non-renewable resources that are imported and used to produce goods and services in the Netherlands. There is recognition that this leads to the depletion of these resources abroad, which has major impacts on their wellbeing both now and into the future.

Several footprint indicators are also included under the ‘well-being elsewhere’ lens, such as the Netherland’s land footprint, material footprint and greenhouse gas (carbon) footprint, as well as its country overshoot day.