National level data

Locally relevant data and indicators are often available on the websites of city authorities and national statistical agencies. To help put local data and insights into a wider context, the following resources can be of use:

Regional and city-level data

  • The OECD Regional Wellbeing Dashboard provides regional wellbeing data for 447 OECD regions based on a wide range of wellbeing topics such as access to services, civic engagement, community, housing, environment and safety.

Indicator and dashboard explorers

  • The WISE database (hosted by the University of Leiden) collates beyond-GDP indices as well as beyond-GDP indicators on wellbeing, inclusion and sustainability for 140 to 180 countries. The database includes both historical and contemporary data and is being updated on an ongoing basis.

  • The Composite Indicators & Scoreboards Explorer by the European Commission's Comptence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards provides an overview of 150 composite indices and 42 scoreboards for multidimensional wellbeing, including data for 244 countries, 1649 regions and 450 cities, both within the European Union and beyond.