Welcome to Module 4 on having constructive conversations with those who hold different views.
Transforming our economic systems requires innovation and experimentation. No one has all the answers to how we can bring about global transformation towards a wellbeing economy. It is therefore perhaps not surprising that people may be resistant or sceptical towards the concept and practicality of a wellbeing economy.
Neoliberal economic thinking and the focus on economic growth still dominate public discourses and political narratives. Wellbeing economy experimenters and advocates, like you, are key to help shift mindsets and build societal support for a wellbeing economy.
To build a broader coalition and social movement towards a wellbeing economy, it is important to actively listen to people’s concerns and differing views, to approach conversations with empathy and respect and try to find common ground, without compromising on wellbeing economy goals and principles (see Modules 1 and 2).
You will find in this module:
Guidance on how to engage in constructive conversations to help shift mindsets
Evidence that can help address concerns, clear myths and relieve doubts
Ready? Let’s get started!