Success needs to be celebrated!
When experiments on how to shape the new economy are successful, make sure to share them widely, through case study descriptions, podcasts, presentations and knowledge sharing events. Illuminating successful stories of change is also one of the shared objectives of WEAll, ZOE and DEAl, to illustrate what a wellbeing economy can look like in practice and give others confidence to join in the movement.
Do you have inspiring examples?
Do you have an inspiring example of how governments are putting wellbeing economy principles into practice? Click on the card to share your example on the discussion board. Together, we can build up a repertoire of inspiring case study examples from places around the world.
Further inspiration
Check out some of the following resources to find more inspiration:
The DEAL 'Stories' webpage shows how Doughnut Economics is being put into practice by communities around the world.
The WEAll Case Studies webpage brings together international examples of wellbeing economy initiatives from governments, businesses and civil society.
The Sustainable Prosperity website includes a repository of policies for sustainable and inclusive wellbeing.